A 'Spoon' Full of Kate's Chai Choc Chia Pudding

A 'Spoon' Full of Kate's Chai Choc Chia Pudding
Experience a delectable and healthy start to your day with this delicious breakfast recipe that's also perfect as a pre and post workout snack.

Follow the quick and simple recipe to re-discover your taste for chai.....


Skip Breakfast again Today?

Skip Breakfast again Today?
Over half of the UK's adult population skips breakfast daily, impacting energy levels and mood throughout the day. Breakfast provides essential fuel for the body and brain after an overnight fast, critical for maintaining optimal glucose levels, enhancing memory, and improving concentration and mood.


How Sleep Shapes Your Eating Habits and Weight

How Sleep Shapes Your Eating Habits and Weight
Do you find yourself reaching for sugary snacks or craving unhealthy foods after a night of poor sleep? There's a scientific explanation behind why poor sleep can lead to unhealthy eating habits and fluctuations in weight.


The Positive Impact of Biophilic Design on Health & Wellbeing

The Positive Impact of Biophilic Design on Health & Wellbeing
Biophilic interior design is an innovative approach that bridges the gap between humans and nature within built environments. This design philosophy is rooted in the concept of biophilia, which suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. By integrating natural elements, materials, and views into the interior design of living spaces, biophilic design has the profound ability to enhance health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.

Understanding the Role of A Holistic Wellness Coach

Understanding the Role of A Holistic Wellness Coach
A holistic wellness coach is a professional dedicated to guiding individuals toward comprehensive wellness, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritual health. Unlike traditional wellness coaches who may focus solely on diet and exercise, holistic wellness coaches adopt a more integrative approach by considering all life aspects—ensuring balanced and sustainable wellness strategies tailored to individual needs.
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