Sandra signed up for the balanceME Plan and even though Sandra had a number of challenges around movement owing to painful joints from historic injuries, I was confident that I could not only help her to lose the weight, but also get her moving again and in ways that she thought she might not be able to since having broken her ankle a number of years ago.
And what a transformation! Sandra is 100% committed and throws herself into every session.
Working together online is not only convenient to work around Sandra's busy schedule, but is also just as successful as face to face sessions. And her motivation to move has become a new habit that she now even actually enjoys.
With a consistent weight loss throughout, Sandra enjoys cooking new foods that she's found delicious to eat, and also organically grows her own vegetables at home, and they certainly look impressive! (see image above)
At week 11 Sandra now has less than 2lb to lose to hit her original goal of 1 stone weight loss by the end of the 12 week plan.....And I know this is just the start of a whole new way of living, eating and moving for Sandra that will have long lasting results. Well Done!
Read Sandra's experience of the balanceME Plan below:
‘When I first approached Kate I told her three things: I won’t lose more than 7 lbs, I struggle to move because of a historic broken ankle and I will probably cancel my sessions. So, I embarked on Kate’s programme and I love it, I’m totally committed. I’ve lost more than 7 lbs, I’m moving more than I have in years and I haven’t cancelled a single session. I’m inspired, motivated and know that Kate is there, just when I need her with ideas, coaching and just the right amount of encouragement to help me achieve my health and wellness vision. This isn’t a weight loss plan, it’s a complete wellness plan to enable you to make lifelong changes.’
Sandra Garlick MBE
Founder of Woman Who (
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